FIA Mourns passing of Alejandra Darin

FIA-LA Executive Committee News

FIA and its member unions are deeply saddened by the passing of Alejandra Darin, President of the Argentinian Actors Association (AAA – Asociación Argentina de Actores y Actrices), fierce activists and well-known artist with more than half a century of career in theatre, film and television.

Born on June 19, 1962, she was affiliated to the Argentinian Actors Association since 1973. She presided the union since 2011 (she had just been re-elected in November 2024) and held different positions of responsibility within FIA-LA, the Latin-American group of FIA.

Her extensive theatrical work includes plays such as Un informe sobre la banalidad del amor, Tierra del Fuego, Un hombre equivocado, Copenhague, El libro de Ruth, Código de familia, A la izquierda del roble, Scalabrini Ortiz, Las de Barranco, Crimen y castigo, El evangelio de Evita, Moscú, Esquirlas.

In television, she worked in more than 50 fictions, among them, Dulce Ana, Una voz en el teléfono, La extraña dama, Rincón de luz, De carne somos, Alguien que me quiera, Son amores, Nosotros y los miedos, Poliladron, Nueve lunas, Alta comedia, Las 24 horas, Sin condena, Media falta, La leona, Verdad consecuencia, Por ese palpitar. Her career also includes the films Samy y yo, Un minuto de silencio, Ni Dios, ni patrón, ni marido, Oblivion, Historias breves VI, among others.

Alejandra was a tireless fighter and her commitment to social justice and her passion for culture will be long remembered as an example and inspiration. Our deepest sympathies go to her family and loved ones as well as to all our colleagues at AAA.

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