FIA, UNI MEI, SFA & SAG-AFTRA Event at Cannes Film Festival, 19 May 2023

Dialogue social européen Diversité et inclusion Egalité de genre Harcèlement sexuel FIA FIA Events Upcoming Events

Palais Stage, Cannes, at 9.30am on May 19th

FIA is pleased to invite you to this event, co-organised by FIA, UNI-MEI, SFA and SAG-AFTRA to explore the themes of equality and safety of women in film taking place at the Marché du Film at Cannes. You can access all of the event information relating to this event in the Official Calendar of the Marché. You can browse the programme and read the bios of our speakers and moderators. 

The event lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes and is composed of two discussion panels. The International Trade Union federations FIA and UNI MEI, as well as national performer unions SFA in France and SAG AFTRA in the US, look forward to hosting the excellent panellists who will lead these conversations.

Our first panel takes place against the backdrop of the recently relaunched European Social Partner Framework of Action on Gender Equality and will take stock of meaningful progress on equal opportunities in film and how and whether real change is happening on the ground.

Our second panel turns to the emerging approach of intimacy coordination: what is it and how it aims to protect all film workers involved in scenes with nudity and simulated intimacy. Our panellists will share their views on an emerging profession and workplace practice. 

Attending the Marché du Film at Cannes? Please come and join us at the Palais Stage at 9.30am on May 19th and we’ll be happy to welcome you. 

Not attending the Marché? Why not follow online: we’ll be streaming this event live on the FIA Youtube channel: FIA – International Federation of Actors – YouTube

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