FIA-LA Meeting in Guarulhos, Brazil 04-05 April 2014

FIA-LA Event Reports Actualités Résolutions et déclarations

One year after its last meeting in Sao Paulo, the Latin American group of FIA, FIA-LA, gathered again in Brazil in the city of Guarulhos on April 4-5, 2014.  This meeting, kindly hosted by the Brazilian union SATED/SP, gathered delegates from Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba, Ecuador, Paraguay, Panama, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Brazil, as well as representatives from Spain and Portugal.
The event gave the opportunity to the Latin American delegates to address numerous matters of concern for performer unions in the region. Some highlights among many subjects were the protection of child performers, the communication between Latin American unions, the ratification and implementation of the WIPO Beijing treaty, as well as the protection of workers involved in international co-productions in presence of João Vidigal from STE Portugal and Jorge Bosso, FIA Vice-president representing the Spanish and Portuguese speaking group. Five resolutions were adopted as follows:
– Request to the Brazilian government to enforce its law 6533 on the artist and prevent illegal work
– An Ecuadorian motion encouraging the government to recognize the importance of FENARPE and the union movement in general
– A letter of support to Portuguese union STE condemning austerity measures and their disastrous impact on the cultural sector
– A letter of support to the Latin American Festival of Monologues to be held in Vitoria, Brazil
– A resolution to facilitate communications within the FIA-LA group
All the resolutions and statements are available for download hereunder

          Resolucion SATED/CE Brazil

          Resolucion FENRPE Ecuador

          Resolucion STE Portugal

          Resolucion SATED/ES Brazil

          Resolucion Comm FIA-LA

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