These guidelines are meant as an essential – albeit not exhaustive – checklist for performers, with practical tips they can keep in mind as they operate in the working place to minimize the risk of getting injured.
Whether performers work in a theatre, an opera house, a small venue or an outdoor stage, they should never put their safety at risk. Prevention is of paramount importance and, in addition to the compliance by the production with all applicable safety regulations, performers can contribute to their own safety by remaining alert and well aware of all potential hazards. These guidelines are a handy collection of a few, simple preventive measures for them to consider at all times.
English Versions:
print-ready-version for assembling your own copies (requires double-sided photocopying)
spread version for use by professional printers
landscape version for use with a projector, for example
text only for quicker download
French Versions:
Version « prête à imprimer » pour tout assemblage par vos propres moyens (nécessite un photocopiage R/V)
Version « page par page » pour tout assemblage par un imprimeur professionnel
Version « panorama » à utiliser, par exemple, avec un projecteur
Version sans images pour un téléchargement plus rapide
Spanish versions:
versión lista para imprimir para armar tus propias copias (requiere fotocopia doble faz)
versión a plana entera para usar en impresoras profesionales
versión en formato horizontal/apaisado para usar con un proyector, por ejemplo
sólo texto para una descarga rápida