Policy Work
Diversity and inclusion
Diversity permeates our lives. It surrounds us in a variety of shapes and forms. All major achievements in the history of humankind, from progress to democracy and human rights, are a tribute to diversity and a reminder of what may be achieved by embracing it. Conversely, some of the driest and darkest pages in our shared history book were written when societies, groups and elites within them, turned inwards and rejected anything they perceived as a threat to their comfort zone.
The media, arts and entertainment sector is arguably the most tangible expression of diversity, thriving on cross-pollination, drawing inspiration from real life perception to elevate the spirit, educate the mind. But precisely because of its ability to speak to people so effectively, it can also be crafted to convey stereotypes, propaganda and impose a dominant culture.
As creative artists, skilled professionals trained to play any role, performers are diversity. Each of them has a story to tell and can tell any story. And as the trade unions representing them, we have a moral duty to help them unfold their talent as they see fit and make a decent living of it – all of them without distinction.
FIA and all its affiliates stand for cultural diversity, freedom of expression and media pluralism. We fight for fair representation and equal opportunities in our industries, rejecting all forms of discrimination in work-related environments, other than based on objective skills and talent. The contents in this section of our website addresses diversity and inclusion as it relates to the global acting community and seeks to share best practices to nourish and sustain this fundamental value in our sector.

Equality and Diversity in the Audiovisual sector in Europe
On this website you will find all the results produced and resources collected by the European social partners in the Audiovisual sector in the context of their cooperation in the...

Gender Equality On & Off the Stage
This website and resource center is the outcome of the European Project: ‘Gender Equality on and off the Stage: A Mapping Project of the European Live Performance Sector’ carried out...

Explore Diversity and Inclusion Topics
Gender Equality
For performers, the question of gender equality ...
Sexual Harassment
“Enough is enough!” was the message emerging ...
FIA is developing its work in relation to the challenges faced ...
Racial Equality and Ethnic Diversity
FIA strongly rejects any ...
Young Workers
Young performers are particularly vulnerable workers.
FIA is committed to fighting any discrimination ...