How FIA is run
Governance and constitution
FIA is governed by its Congress, the Executive Committee and, for administrative and economic matters or urgent decisions in between meetings of the latter, by the Presidium – made of the FIA President and the six Vice-presidents.
The FIA Congress meets once every four years, the Executive Committee once a year and the Presidium whenever needed. The latter can be consulted any time by the Secretariat and does not necessarily need to meet physically, provided decisions can be taken at a distance. It must, however, report its decisions on urgent matters to the Executive Committee without undue delay. Any other decision taken by the Presidium must be brought to the attention of the next Executive Committee for approval. The work of the Federation is supported by the FIA Secretariat based in Brussels.
The countries currently sitting in the FIA Executive Committee are Japan, New-Zealand, India, Croatia, Morocco, Denmark, Argentina, and Turkey. The respective unions of FIA Presidium members also sit in the Executive Committee, together with any other FIA affiliate within the same country (these countries are the USA, Sweden, France, Uruguay, Canada, the UK, and Russia).
FIA Constitution_EN
FIA Constitution_FR
FIA Constitution_ES
FIA Constitution_DE
- President & Executive committee
- Secretariat

Gabrielle Carteris
Gabrielle Carteris was elected president of FIA in May 2021. She has served as SAG-AFTRA president since 2016, heading a union of 160,000 actors, recording artists…

Simon Norrthon
Simon Norrthon is a Vice-President of FIA. He is the President of Scen & Film, The Swedish Union for Performing Arts and Film, representing and organising 8800 …

Denys Fouqueray
Denys Fouqueray is Vice-President of FIA since 2016 and has been an actor for almost 40 years. While primarily active in theatre in the last years…

Alicia Dogliotti
Alicia Dogliotti is the current president of the Uruguayan Actors’ Union SUA (Sociedad Uruguaya de Actores). She graduated from the Multidisciplinary School …

Marie Kelly
Marie Kelly is a veteran lawyer with a long history of representing workers’ rights within Canada’s labour movement. She joined ACTRA as National Executive …

Paul W Fleming
Paul W Fleming is the Vice-President of FIA. He is the General Secretary of Equity UK, the trade union representing more than 47,000 performers and creative …

Vladimir Kamen
Vladimir Kamen is a Russian national and is Vice-President of FIA since 2016. Vladimir has been involved with FIA since 1983 when he joined the then Cultural Workers’ …

Dominick Luquer
General Secretary
Appointed to this position in 2001 when the Federation was still based in London, he moved the FIA Secretariat to Brussels to be closer to the EU decision-making process.

Dearbhal Murphy
Deputy General Secretary
Appointed to this position in 2008, she holds a degree in languages from University College Cork and a Master’s degree and Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in …

Anouk Van den Bussche
Head of Communications
Appointed to this position end 2013, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Poitiers and Portland State University…

Camille Richard
Policy Officer
Appointed to this position in 2014, she graduated from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Aix-en-Provence and holds a Master’s Degree in European Politics …