Tell us about yourself.
I am an actor and President of our union Scen & Film since 2018. I’m also proud to be one of FIA’s six vice presidents! Scen & Film organises everyone in Sweden working in film, TV and the performing arts – be it artists, authors, technical or administrative staff. It’s a full-time job, but I am still an active actor every now and then.
What made you want to do this job?
I am an actor for many reasons, but maybe they have changed over the years. Now I truly enjoy working with the text and to rehearse. The true joy of acting is that by pretending to be someone else, I can really be myself, fully and freely.
Tell us about a movie or a show that changed your life.
Early in my career I saw “The Mozart Brothers” By Suzanne Osten. I’ve seen it 50 times, but I’m always surprised with the order of scenes. It’s a film about theatre and the impossibility of creation without compromise. But it is also about theatre as something more real than life itself and as the only place where we can play together.
How did you first get involved in your union?
I got involved quite early on. In the beginning it was a natural place for meeting colleagues and learning about the work and the industry. Later on, I learned about collective bargaining and immaterial rights, but it was the feeling of community that brought me in.
What are your dreams and hopes for performers worldwide?
Influence. With influence you can be part of the change and affect your working conditions. With influence you can affect when and how you work. With influence you can take responsibility and show solidarity with others.
What is your priority as Vice-president of FIA?
I am very interested in inclusion and diversity and immaterial rights, so I’m always engaged in those topics, but as a vice president I also want to be a support to our eminent staff and see to it that they can be their best. I always want FIA to grow and engage all members everywhere, so equality and transparency are always in front.
Give us one example of how FIA’s work has improved the working conditions of performers in your country?
Sweden has been active in FIA for a long time, there are so many things we have learned from our fellow FIA unions. In the recent years I especially come to think of our exchange about streamers and rights agreements. The agreements we have today depend on these exchanges. I also think of our guidelines for scenes with intimacy that we have produced together with the employers. They are customed for our conditions but based on the work done by our fellow unions.
If you had to describe FIA in one word, what would it be?