Working Conditions
EU Social Dialogue
FIA is part of the workers’ delegation in two European sectoral social dialogue committees: one for the Live Performance Sector and one for the Audiovisual sector. These committees are a unique forum at European level for engagement between trade union and employer representatives, organised at EU level. While they have certain powers, including the power to negotiate European agreements within the EU legislative framework; in practice, particularly at sectoral level, work tends to focus on joint lobbying, research initiatives and projects on questions of common concern together with our employer counterparts. The work programmes of the two committees are available on FIA’s website. They meet three times a year and we are grateful to the EuroFIA members who regularly participate in our delegation.
In the Live Performance committee, our employer counterpart is Pearle* – Live Performance Europe (“Performing Arts Employers Association League Europe”) which is the European Federation of Music and Live Performance Organisations. Pearle* represents through its members more than 10,000 managers of theatres, concert venues, theatre production companies, orchestras, operas, ballet and dance companies, festivals, promoters and other professional organisations in the performing arts in Europe. The workers’ representative is the European Arts and Entertainment Alliance (EAEA – which is made up of FIA, together with the International Federation of Musicians (FIM) and UNI-MEI – Global Union for Media and the Arts).
In the Audiovisual committee, the EAEA is joined by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) on the workers’ side. The employers’ delegation covers both broadcasting and film and TV production and includes 5 employers’ organisations namely: Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT); Association of European Radios (AER); European Coordination of Independent Producers (CEPI); European Broadcasting Union (EBU-UER); and the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF).

European Social dialogue Texts database:
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