The European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee on Audiovisual will convene on Monday 6 March 2023 from 9:30 to 13:00. This meeting will be in an online format only. The draft agenda and invitation will be sent to regular participants.
The Committee’s areas of work include:
- social dialogue and the role of the social partners at European and national level
- health and safety (e.g. risk assessment and risk prevention, covid crisis)
- training and skills (pact for skills and work towards a Framework of Actions on Skills in conjunction with the Live Performance sector)
- Gender Equality and Diversity and Prevention of Violence and Harassment(updating of the Framework of Actions on Gender Equality)
- Environmental Sustainability of Audiovisual Productions (joint project underway)
- European policy developments that are of relevance to the sector
It is vital to have a strong representation in the European social dialogue committee to ensure its work stays closely abreast of, and relevant to, challenges on the ground. As always, we invite European FIA affiliates who are available to do so to consider joining the committee’s meetings, even on a sporadic basis. If you are interested in participating, please contact the FIA secretariat.