EuroFIA Meeting in London

EuroFIA FIA Events Event Reports Resolutions and Statements

The second 2009 EuroFIA meeting was held on the 14th and 15th of November in London, where Equity UK kindly hosted the group’s members. The group had to go through a big number of issues and to make important decisions in only two days. Indeed, the meeting’s agenda was pretty heavy. First, an update was brought on EU developments concerning matters of concern for FIA and its European members: extension of the term of protection; progresses made in the European Social Dialogue Committees on Audiovisual and Live Performance; joint working with Creators’ organizations on the self-employed status; new project on gender equality and the representation of women in theatre, films and television; etc.

Other important matters were also discussed at the meeting. Developments and progress made at the WIPO and a possible position of FIA on the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements were brought on the table. So was the issue of piracy and of its dramatic consequences on our industry. Several national solutions to this problem were highlighted, notably the examples of the UK and France, both about to use the ‘graduated response’ method. EuroFIA members also talked about the Remuneration Right for Making Available on Demand, the mobility of performers beyond their national boarders and the Cultural Diversity Coalitions. Finally, the developments of the Dancers’ Working Group and the decision to widen its scope and optimize its efficiency reminded us once more the usefulness of regional meetings and work under the FIA umbrella.

Indeed, as each EuroFIA meeting shows us, it was the opportunity for our EuroFIA members to meet, discuss and share their experience regarding common concerns – drastic budget cuts in culture observable in most European governments due to the economic crisis; the trade unions’ need to renew themselves and to manage to involve the young generations of performers; etc. – and thus to strengthen the work carried out by FIA and its members.

Several motions were passed by the end of the meeting and are available for you to download here below. One of these concerns the defense of the Slovenian minority in the city of Trieste in Italy and of its theatre, which is not receiving the subsidies the government is supposed to pay. Another motion stresses FIA’s members’ commitment to fight against the Finnish law on ‘Work-for-hire’ and support our Finnish affiliates on this matter. Finally, a third motion was passed, concerning our support to our Serbian affiliate regarding the new law on copyright in Serbia.

Support to Slovenian theatre in Trieste
Support to Serbian union regarding new copyright law
Support to Finnish affiliates concerning Work for Hire law

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