FIA workshop in Mumbai

FIA FIA Events Event Reports Projects

In March 2013, FIA organized, jointly with FIM and UNI-MEI, a workshop in Mumbai, India. The meeting was about the improvement of the working conditions in the Indian film industry, with a special focus on the state of Maharashtra.

Fourteen different Mumbai based organizations took part to this workshop. The discussions have been enthusiastic and inspired. Four main subjects were addressed: contractual practices, health and safety, intellectual property rights and the working conditions in the studios. This last issue is particularly important due to the very large number of accidents in the sector.

The aim of this workshop was to define whether a triennial project, which would be funded by the Swedish Trade Union Confederation LO-TCO and jointly run by FIA, UNI-MEI and FIM, was needed and practicable. A project application will be drafted soon, hopefully leading to a better understanding of the Mumbai-based audio-visual workers’ working conditions and allowing improving those.

Three resolutions were signed at this meeting. Two addressing the screenwriters’ and the video editors’ specific demands, and one on the ratification of the Beijing treaty. This last one will be sent to the Indian government to push it to ratify the treaty as quickly as possible. You can download this resolution here below.

WIPO Beijing Treat Resolution

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