The 2013 meeting of the Latin American group of the International Federation of Actors (FIA-LA) took place in São Paulo from April 28 to 29, 2013. The meeting, kindly hosted by one of FIA’s five Brazilian affiliates SATED São Paulo, gathered 19 delegates from 8 different Latin American countries.
The meeting took place next to another major event: a two-day joint seminar with UNI-MEI’s Latin American membership held on April 26-27. The joint seminar was aimed to define the line of work for a new common project funded by LO/TCO while the FIA-LA meeting was dedicated to discussions on issues that are specific to performers and their representation in Latin America.
FIA-LA and UNI-MEI’s Latin American members decided that the next LO/TCO triennial project would focus on the capacity building of trade unions with the objective to attract new membership. It will hopefully include a study led by a researcher, national workshops and regional seminars. The first seminar is intended to take place in December of 2014.
The FIA-LA meeting gave delegates from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru and Uruguay the opportunity to address numerous matters of concern to their membership. Some highlights among many subjects were the protection of child performers, the communication between Latin American unions, the ratification and implementation of the WIPO Beijing treaty, and the relationship with collecting societies. Six motions were adopted by the group on different issues:
· Support to the actions of the different SATEDs and reinforcement of FIA-LA
· Request to the Brazilian government to implement its law 6533 on the artist and prevent illegal work
· An Ecuadorian motion encouraging the government to recognize the importance of FENARPE and the union movement in general
· A letter of support to Spanish union FAEE
· A ‘Labour Day’ statement of FIA-LA aiming to protect professional performers
· And finally, the formal adoption of the “Artists for World Peace” Campaign
You can download those motions below.
FIA-LA Motion supporting FENARPE Equator (ES)FIA-LA MotionFIA-LA Request to the Brazilian government (ES) (ES)FIA-LA Motion supporting the SATEDs (ES)Letter of support to Spanish union FAEE (PR)