FIA attends Forum de Chaillot on Future of European Cultural Policies in Paris, 4-5 April 2014

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Organised by French minister of culture Aurélie Filippetti, the International Conference of Chaillot gathered fifteen European ministers of culture, European commissioner Michel Barnier and European Parliament president Martin Schultz as well as numerous artists and other professionals of the cultural sector. On this occasion, trade union federations (FIA, FIM, UNI MEI and IFJ) issued a joint declaration to express grave concerns regarding cultural policies as they are currently implemented within the European Union.

The event aimed at debating future orientation of cultural policies in Europe and topics discussed included cultural diversity and copyright issues as well as financing and regulations for the cultural sector. On Friday 4th of April, Denis Gravouil, Secretary General of French federation of performers and technicians unions (FNSAC – CGT), took the stage to urge assembled politicians and decision makers to protect the social rights of all workers in the sector and to share testimonies from unions across Europe, as many countries have become victims of drastic funding cuts, leading to the elimination of a great number of jobs and a related weakening of their capacity to carry out their public service mission.

The joint declaration is available for download in English and in French and Denis Gravouil’s speech is available in French.

Déclaration Chaillot FR
Declaration Chaillot EN
Discours Denis Gravouil Chaillot FR

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