(More pictures available on the FIA Flickr account)
The FIA executive took place in Paris on the 26th and 27th of September, hosted by the Syndicat Français des Artistes-Interprètes (SFA). It was a very well-attended meeting with all the countries at the Executive represented.
The Executive conducted its statutory business, including the annual review and adoption of FIA’s audited accounts and the processing of applications for membership of the Federation. There was also an indepth discussion of FIA’s work plan, including a ‘mid-term review’ of the 2012 Congress Motions and the strategic priorities that the Federation sets itself on that basis. Important topics for discussion included the promotion of ratification of the WIPO Beijing Treaty and the development and expansion of FIA’s communications strategy. An International panel on different models for collective management also offered an interesting opportunity for debate and exchange.
There were a number of external guest speakers invited to the Executive also. Mr Philippe Hardouin presented the findings of the new 2014 TERA study on job losses in the European creative industries due to piracy. The study will shortly be launched in the European parliament and will be available to download on the FIA website. Ms Rochelle Roca-Hachem spoke on behalf of UNESCO and informed the group of the work underway to survey the level of implementation of the 1980 recommendation on the Status of the Artist, a process which FIA is committed to supporting. Mr Brad Keenan, President of SCAPR informed the Executive about the ongoing work of the organization, as well as chairing the collective management panel.
The Executive unanimously adopted three motions, submitted by members in Russia, Spain and Brazil. In the case of Spain and Brazil, these resolutions condemn legislative changes that will have a negative impact on performers, while the resolution from Russia urges the ratification of the WIPO Beijing Treaty by Russia and supports the efforts of FIA members in Russia in this direction. You can download these three resolutions below.
The Executive also offered the opportunity for several FIA groups to meet, including the FIANA-ESG group, the LGBTI group, the FIA Presidium and an ad hoc group involved in working on the FIA History project.
The next Executive meeting will take place immediately preceding the FIA World Live Performance. It will therefore be held in Dublin on the 3rd of June.
– Resolution EC Paris BTAP Russia
– Resolution EC Paris LASSALLE Spain
– Resolution EC Paris LAW 6533/78 Brazil
Working documents (only visible to logged-in FIA Executive Committee members):