EuroFIA welcomes the recent declarations by Culture Ministers in France, Germany and Italy stressing, among other things, the importance of copyright in the digital age, of a fair remuneration of creators and territoriality.
Whilst recognising that portability of access rights across national borders must be facilitated, the three ministers underline that legitimate business models built on territorial exploitation must be fully apprehended as the Commission seeks to complete the Digital Single Market.
These statements also emphasize the need to make sure that authors and performers get a fair share of the benefits from the exploitation of their work in the digital environment and stress that copyright and neighbouring rights are an asset, rather than an obstacle, for cultural diversity, artistic creation and freedom of expression.
These declarations are important as they set the broad parameters of the collaboration between these countries on the thorny issue of copyright reform.
Franco / German declaration here (unofficial English version)
Franco / Italian declaration here (unofficial English version)