FIA Congress update

FIA News

In light of the enduring global health crisis, with ever-shifting travel restrictions and unpredictable security measures making the holding of a middle to large-size international meeting still a very precarious undertaking for the time being, the FIA Presidium has unanimously decided on August 14 to terminate all arrangements for a physical FIA Congress in Manchester. Our contracts allowed us to release ourselves from all obligations by the end of August 2020 at the very latest, incurring minimum penalties, and it was imperative to either confirm or undo them by then.

In compliance with our constitution, the FIA Executive has been duly informed of this unprecedented but inevitable decision. The FIA Presidium has convened a meeting of the FIA Executive Committee, in virtual mode, on October 27 and 28, with a view to making further arrangements with respect to when and how the 21st FIA Congress may be safely organized in the near future. All the FIA membership will be informed in due time about this decision.

In solidarity,

The FIA Secretariat

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