International Women’s Day Statement from FIA President Ferne Downey

Diversity and inclusion Gender Equality FIA News

A global pandemic has changed everything – including our sense of security and hopefulness. On this IWD 2021, we are confronted with the frightening development that women’s work opportunities globally have plummeted. In our sector, devastated by the pandemic, the stages and concert halls have been dark. Work opportunities on film and TV sound stages have lessened. Most of us are atypical workers with precious few social safety nets, so economic survival has been the foremost priority.  All the more reason then, to advocate with renewed vigour – not accepting the limitations and diminishments imposed upon us by the status quo  and deepened by a health crisis. We will build anew. Decades of economic gains made by women in the overall workforce and cultural industries in particular must not be allowed to slip away and we must maintain the fierce determination to not let that happen.

Our commitment to gender equality will inform every aspect of our work in the pandemic and post-pandemic context. Joining hands with our sister unions FIM and UNI MEI, we share this key objective and will continue to develop our sectoral projects to drive it forward. Gender equality is a core principle of our work to drive progress on building our sector back more strongly: from new funding streams, to more inclusive social security coverage; from digital skills to equal pay. And we will also continue to count, applaud and celebrate the individual achievements of women’s successes and amplify our appreciation. We are in the active process of changing the narrative.

We must come out of this global pandemic asserting our rights for employment opportunities and equal pay. The women of the world will settle for no less. I am proud to observe members turning to their unions for leadership. Every year I call for persistence. As activists, we work on the work that needs doing. Choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. Be visible, sisters. Take up your space. FIA is committed to advancing the work to build an industry based on diversity, inclusivity, representation and belonging. We applaud our union activists this day and every day.

In solidarity, Ferne Downey

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