For two and half years, FIA and the other European trade union federations in the Media, Arts and Entertainment sector – FIM, UNI MEI and EFJ – have been conducting a project on Atypical Work. This project is now drawing to a close with a final conference organised in Madrid on June 8 and 9.
This event will be dedicated to the issue of trade union organising of atypical workers. We will draw on the experience of the unions that have been undergoing training and developing organising drives in their unions in the course of the project, as well having a special session on the issue of collective bargaining for self-employed workers in light of the new European Competition guidelines. We will also have a number of training workshops looking at challenges such as the escalation ladder in industrial disputes and meaningfully supporting union activists.
Interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish.
Trade Union Organising & Atypical Workers – Madrid June – Agenda EN
The project is funded by the European Union.