
Data Privacy Policy

This policy describes how FIA will treat and use your personal data, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), when using this website and any interactive services on it, either as a guest or a registered user.


The International Federation of Actors (FIA) respects your right
to privacy. This policy describes how FIA will treat and use your personal data, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), when using this website and any interactive services on it, either as a guest or a registered user. It also extends to the information that we collect from you and store in order to keep you regularly informed of our activities, conduct research or advocacy work pertaining to our field of action, or contract services required by us to carry out our work.

Where and when appropriate, our website, social media channels or electronic communication tools may link to other third parties websites or social media, including but not limited to those of our affiliates. These links are provided for your information and convenience only. When interacting with these third party media, your personal data will be covered by the terms and privacy policies of these other operators/platforms.

This policy may change from time to time, so please refer to it periodically

How do we collect personal data?

Most of the time, FIA does not collect and store information identifying you personally unless that data is voluntarily disclosed. There are instances however where we may request such information from you for the purpose of providing you with – or contracting you for – specific services. As a FIA affiliate, you will be required to provide us with some personal information when requesting online access to our web-based working groups and forums as well as to members-only content. In addition to the above, and also as an external stakeholder, you may be required to provide personal data when registering for our newsletter or events or otherwise interacting with our website. The data we collect may include your name and surname, your title, gender, job title, function, telephone number, post address, e-mail, web address.
Whereas, in most cases, we collect personal data directly from you, we may sometimes obtain personal data from third parties, such as directories and EU institutions websites.
Our website or social media channels also use tracking techniques to collect technical information from you, with a view to improving your viewing experience and also provide us with anonymous statistical use data.

How do we use your personal data and what for?

The personal data that you provide to us, or that we collect from third parties, is limited to what is strictly necessary to contact you, fulfill your online requests, enabling your access to members-only content and/or providing you with relevant and updated information about FIA and our activities. More specifically:
  • FIA has a legitimate interest in processing personal data pertaining to contact persons across its membership for the purpose of administering or informing the latter or for the governance of the association. Similarly, FIA collects and processes personal data of contact persons working for providers of services required by the federation (e.g. hotels, interpreters, translators, technical companies, etc.) to successfully run meetings and events.
  • FIA processes personal data pertaining to members of the EU institutions and the member States, journalists, academics and researchers, industry stakeholders for the purpose of carrying out advocacy work and research. Such personal data is usually made publicly available by these individuals on a voluntary basis.
  • FIA processes the personal data of individuals who register to attend meetings, conferences or other events it organizes for the purpose of managing registrations and participation to such events.
  • FIA also processes the personal data of individuals who register themselves on its website to access members-only content, access specific documents not publicly available (e.g. working documents of specific working groups or FIA governing bodies) or agree to receive regular newsletters from the federation.
  • Technical data, on the other hand, is processed automatically and anonymously to improve your browsing experience and collect use statistics.

Consent, retention, consultation, modification and removal

FIA will seek your prior and explicit approval when collecting, and before processing, your personal data for the purposes of keeping you informed of our activities, registering you for meetings and events or granting you access to member-restricted areas or documents on our website. We will keep your personal data for as long as you continue to be a designated person within an organization or other entity that FIA is in contact with for reasons pertaining to membership, events, advocacy or research. We also will keep your personal data for as long as you wish to receive our newsletter.
We will not retain your personal data, when registering for FIA events and conferences, beyond their scheduled date.
All personal data we collect and process is securely stored on our servers. Exception made for sensitive data (e.g. bank account numbers, ID/passport numbers), it may be shared with FIA’s members for the same legitimate interest and purpose FIA uses them. It is never shared, sold or otherwise made available to third parties, commercially or otherwise, unless and to the extent that such parties need it to secure your registration and attendance at meetings and events organized by FIA or to let you to relay information from our website on social media. FIA may share your personal information with designated third parties if requested to do so by law, public procurement rules or to comply with a court order.
Your personal information is only used for the purpose you made it available to us. For example, if you subscribe to our quarterly newsletter, we will only use your details to send you this newsletter or occasional news items. Our newsletter gives you the opportunity to unsubscribe at any time.

You may view, change or remove your profile on the FIA website any time  here. Alternatively, you may request us to do it for you by mailing us at office@fia-actors.com. Should you wish to have an overview of your personal data stored on our server and/or avail yourself of the right to be forgotten, please send us an e-mail at office@fia-actors.com .

Cookie policy

Cookies are small files that a website stores on your computer and that your browser provides to that same website each time you visit it. FIA uses cookies to improve your browsing experience, manage your access to specific content and also generate anonymous statistics on how our website is used.
You may delete cookies via your browser settings and change your preferences anytime when visiting our website. However, this may impair your use of the website or social media. It may also prevent you from accessing some content on our website, unless your access credentials are submitted once again.
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