Free to Access: the New “Green Toolkit Film & TV”

Labour Rights and Collective Bargaining EU Social Dialogue EuroFIA News

The European social dialogue project “Strengthening capacities of social partners to meet the challenges of environmental sustainability in film and TV productions” reached officially its end. A final conference involving European social partners UNI MEI, FIA, EBU and CEPI officially launched the new website that has resulted from the project in April 2023.

The website, entitled Green Toolkit Film and TV is a free access platform that gathers practical guidance and shares sustainability practices and tools implemented across Europe for Film and Audiovisual production.

This toolkit is the result of a project led by creative industry’s representative partners of the European audiovisual social dialogue in order to strengthen sustainable production capabilities and provide a unique source of information on what practices, tools, initiatives, incentives are already driving the sustainable transition of the industry.

Green Toolkit Film and TV provides a unique functionality to discover existing practices that can be filtered by language, country, and categories (platforms, trainings, carbon calculation, guides, certification, etc)

The platform is available at this link: Do not hesitate to spread it around and invite your members and colleagues to use it.

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