New EU Project ‘Gender Equality on and off the Stage’ & Survey

EU Social Dialogue Gender Equality EuroFIA News

We are delighted to announce the launch of a new EU-funded project called ‘Gender Equality on and off the Stage: A Mapping Project of the European Live Performance Sector’.

This joint project is led by the European social partner organisations – FIA, FIM, and UNI MEI, the three trade union associations that together compose the European Arts and Entertainment Alliance (EAEA) and PEARLE* – Live Performance Europe, representing live performance employer associations across Europe. The project will run from February 2020 to February 2022.

The aim of this project is to deliver a detailed overview of the situation in relation to gender equality in the live performance sector across the EU, highlighting best practice and forming the basis for future action of the European social partners on the topic. The study resulting from this project will capture and map the publications and data available, together with the most relevant legal and policy initiatives, social partner initiatives and agreements and civil society actions dedicated to gender equality in the live performance sector.

This mapping work will be undertaken by the two project researchers – Anne Boukris for PEARLE* and Camille Richard for EAEA – with the support of the project steering committee.

The first phase of the project now underway intends to collect as much information as possible on gender equality initiatives at national level, in order to compile a literature review and a summary of the sectoral trends and findings in this area. This initial mapping will help the researchers and the steering group to identify good practices that will be explored more deeply through study visits, and presented at the two workshops that will take place in the second phase of the project.

In order to get all the relevant information, and in addition to desk research, the project researchers have sent a detailed survey to all national social partners, including FIA members.

Your answers to this questionnaire will be a vital source of input for this work. We, therefore, encourage you to complete this questionnaire by June 30th. You will have received all the necessary information by email.

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