April 2019: New Publications Series from Creative Skills Europe

EU Social Dialogue EuroFIA News Publications

Since 2011, the European Social Partners in the Live Performance and Audiovisual sectors have been committed to working together on skills development for sectoral workers and have pursued a dense agenda of project work in this area. FIA has worked together with the sectoral social partners: EURO-MEI (UNI Europa performance and media branch), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the Performing Arts Employers Associations League Europe (PEARLE*), the International Federation of Musicians (FIM), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the European Coordination of Independent Producers (CEPI) to support the development of a network and a series of expert publications in this area.

The network is called “Creative Skills Europe“, the European Platform on Employment and Training in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors. It is a partnership and a project which aims at collecting information and at developing tools to help the cultural and creative sectors adjust their skills to the realities of the field.

Run by a partnership of European trade unions, employers’ organisations, and national skills bodies, Creative Skills Europe looks at creating national and European synergies, and at inspiring new types of actions, both at company level and in a collective way at sector level. Its objective is to steer discussions on the evolving skills needs in our sectors and to promote initiatives to respond to those needs.

In 2017-2018 four thematic workshops were organised in different European cities on the topics of innovation, HR management, the digital environment and the role of social dialogue.

In April 2019, the main outcomes of those exchanges were presented in a publication series. These newly released publications are now available for download.

•            A Step Ahead – Training for InnovationGood practices from across Europe on skills development supporting the structural transformations of the creative sectors

•            A Safe Bet – Training and Workforce DevelopmentA toolbox for the development of HR solutions supporting skills investment in the creative sector

•            It is a New World – Training in and for the Digital EraExamples of successful training schemes and tools for creative professionals in the digital environment

•            Joining Forces – Funding our Training NeedsRecommendations for the development of the creative sector training funding schemes

•            Fruitful Co-operations – Access to training through Social DialogueExamples of social partners’ initiatives supporting skills and careers development in the European creative sectors

To download the publications (including the upcoming additional language versions) you can also go to www.creativeskillseurope.eu The translations into Czech, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish are available here.

Creative Skills Europe, the European Platform on Employment and Training in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors, is a joint project piloted by social partners of the EU Social Dialogue Committees in the Audiovisual and Live Performance Sectors. It was implemented in partnership with national organisations from Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Sweden. It received financial support from the European Commission.

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