#UnionsforEquality : FIA celebrates International Women’s Day 2019

Gender Equality Sexual Harassment News

March 8th marks the annual celebration of International Women’s Day. Originating in 1911, the event is dedicated to celebrating the social and political advances and achievements of women throughout history. This year’s theme is devoted to achieving an equal, gender balanced world by encouraging #BalanceforBetter.

In response to the recent scandals that have shaken the sector, FIA and its union members are keen to do everything in our power to help eliminate sexual harassment of women working in the industry. We have gathered a range of resources from unions and other sources to create a section on our website dedicated to combatting sexual harassment. The page includes a wealth of campaigns, policies and support tools from across the globe that aim to tackle harassment. We have put this into place as a point of reference for performers who need guidance, advice or professional support if they feel vulnerable at work, as well as for unions seeking inspiration on how to develop or extend their activities in this area.

“We are taking flight, making plans, investing in a future where women will not be sexually, harassed, bullied and demeaned” declared FIA president Ferne Downey on International Women’s Day 2018. This year, we want to continue to push this message with even more force as women are still fighting for equal treatment and opportunities in the sector- the battle for equality is not over! Succeeding as a female performer demonstrates creativity, determination and bravery, yet many are still subject to harassment and sexual misconduct simply because of their gender.

Women worldwide are joining forces to fight for gender parity. Both men and women are taking to social media with the hashtags #IWD2019 and #BalanceforBetter to showcase how they are striving to create a more gender balanced world.

FIA wants to shed some light on the crucial commitment of performers unions towards equality and safe spaces in our sector. This March 8th, we invite all the FIA members to promote union-led actions against sexual harassment and for gender equality in the sector by adding the hashtag #UnionsforEquality to their social media posts.

“On International Women’s Day 2019, FIA celebrates the change-makers active in performers unions all over the world! Unions play an integral role in leading the fight to create the systemic change we seek. And we are determined dreamers, the fiercest kind!” – Ferne Downey, FIA President

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