Ongoing Study on Gender Equality and Diversity in the EU Audiovisual Sector

Gender Equality EuroFIA News

Daphne Tepper (right) presenting the study at the EuroFIA meeting in Brussels (June 2018)

In 2011, the European social partners of the EU Audiovisual Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee (AV SDC) adopted a Framework of Actions (FoA) on Gender Equality in the AV sector. From this, they put forward a list of recommendations for their affiliates to act on enhancing gender equality. Five key areas were identified for consideration: Gender Portrayal; Equality of Pay; Equality in Decision Making; Gender roles in the Work-Place and Reconciliation of Work and Private Life.

As Framework of Actions need to be monitored regularly, an investigative study has been launched by the AV SDC into the effectiveness of the FoA. It will assess the progress achieved from the recommendations and identify any further measures for improvement.

The mapping exercise was launched in April 2018 and has gathered data through desk research, an online survey and phone interviews. Conversations have also been held with AV stakeholders on safe and harassment free working environments. In addition, the mapping exercise has assessed good practices linked to diversity (measures to avoid discrimination based on age, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation).

Based on the outcomes of this wide-scale research, a handbook will be produced containing policies and guidance on gender equality and diversity. This tool will be designed to further empower national affiliates to employ good practices within companies and at sector level.

Study visits are currently being organized in 7 European countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden and the UK) to deepen the conversations and collect any further information regarding equality measures in the sector over the last several years.

For more information, please contact the project researcher Daphne Tepper at: or + 32 473 13 15 85

This project is run in partnership with: ACT (Association of Commercial Television in Europe); AER (Association of European Radios); CEPI (European Audiovisual Production); EBU (Operating Eurovision and Euroradio); EFJ (European Federation of Journalists); FIM (International Federation of Musicians); FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Associations); FIA (International Federation of Actors) and UNI Global Union (Europa Media, Entertainment & Arts).

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