The Challenges of SVOD – One day FIA seminar in the EESC Brussels, 25th April 2019

EuroFIA FIA Events Upcoming Events

Following the EuroFIA SVOD Panel in Rotterdam, the working group of EuroFIA members on SVOD was convened and decided it would be opportune to proceed with a one-day exploratory seminar in Brussels on the topic of Online Platforms and the challenges of SVOD.

This meeting is scheduled to take place in the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels on the 25th of April 2019 with French and Spanish Interpretation.

The working group will further develop the agenda in the coming weeks and a programme and invitation will be circulated to the EuroFIA group. We unfortunately do not have funding for travel and accomodation but hope nonetheless to welcome many of you to Brussels for that event. For further details, please contact the secretariat.

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