FIA-NA & English-speaking Group Meeting in Tokyo – September 25, 2018

FIA-NA Event Reports News

The FIA-NA & ESG is a regional group composed of FIA affiliates based in North America and the English-speaking unions around the world.  Meetings of the group normally meet annually in conjunction with FIA Executive and Congress meetings. 

The FIA-NA & ESG met on Tuesday, September 25, 2018 in Tokyo, Japan in conjunction with the FIA Executive – the first FIA meeting ever held in Asia. 

The FIA-NA & ESG heard reports from Working Groups – Commercials; Performance Capture; and International Production.  The International Production Working Group has produced a draft standard performer contract template intended for use by affiliates in territories where no collective bargaining agreement is in place.  The International Production Working Group is looking for comments from affiliates on improving the draft template contract.

The meeting benefitted from the attendance and participation of 2 representatives of CINTAA in India, who graphically outlined the plight of actors and other industry workers in the Bollywood industry. 

The meeting also addressed several issues specific to live theatre issues, including special accommodation such as dressing rooms in theatres for performers who identify as non-binary or gender fluid; negotiating with individual theatres in the absence of associations of theatres (such as in Ireland and New Zealand); and supporting non-performer members, like stage managers.  Arising out of this discussion, the meeting agreed to form a Stage Managers Working Group. 

With respect to recorded media issues, the meeting engaged in a fulsome discussion relative to the challenges of increasing use of morality and exclusivity clauses in performer contracts. 

The meeting concluded with reports from each union on their activity and achievements. 

The opportunity for the leadership of FIA affiliates to get together annually is invaluable – the sharing of information, the comradery, and friendship that results from such meetings builds solidarity internationally, and arms FIA affiliates in the battle to secure better terms and conditions of engagement of performers worldwide.   

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