Adoption of the ‘Law of the Actor’ in Argentina: A historical moment

Labour Rights and Collective Bargaining FIA-LA FIA News

On the night of 28 October 2015, the ‘Law of the Actor’ (‘Ley del Actor’), officially recognising performers as workers, was unanimously approved by the Argentinean Senate. FIA warmly congratulates its Argentinean member AAA (Asociación Argentina de Actores, Argentinean Actors Association) on this historic victory.

AAA began the work of developing and promoting the ‘Law of the Actor’ years ago and worked in collaboration with  the Ministries of Labour, Culture and Social Development, along with ANSES and AFIP, to provide an appropriate legal framework for performers, to ensure their access to social and labour rights, taking into account the intermittant nature of their work.

The recognition of the working relationship implied by the new law ensures coverage of all aspects of social protection: Health, Family Allowances, Unemployment, occupational health and safety and the right to retirement (including retirement and disability pension).

Although the title of the law refers to actors, the law will in fact benefit all performers, including dancers and singers or any person engaged for the purpose of interpreting literary or artistic works or characters. From now on, the labour contract must be in writing and submitted to the Argentina Actors Association by the employer and be in conformity with the collective agreements applied in the sector.

LEY DEL ACTOR – Consideraciones generales.pdf

LEY DEL ACTOR – Anteproyecto

Carta FIA LeydelActor 2015.pdf

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