Next FIA-LA and UNI-MEI/ Panartes joint meeting will be held in Lima, 25-28 November 2014

FIA-LA FIA Events Upcoming Events

Delegates from FIA-LA, the Latin American group of FIA, will gather with UNI-MEI/Panartes delegates in Lima, Peru for a joint seminar. The event will be hosted by SAIP (Comunidad Artistica Nacional de Peru) from 25 to 27 of November 2014.

Regional groups from both federations will meet to discuss issues of common interest and implement projects funded by LO-TCO, the Swedish union confederation. One of these projects is a comparative analysis of national legislations in eight countries regarding the social status of audiovisual workers in the region. The researcher conducting this study, Alberto Jose Robles, will present an advanced draft of his work in Lima.

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