Gender Checklist for Theatre – An initiative of the Swedish Union Teaterforbundet and Live Performance Employers’ Organisation Svenskscenkonst

Diversity and inclusion Gender Equality EuroFIA Other Publications

FIA’s recently published "Handbook of Good Practices to Combat Gender Stereotypes and PromoteEqual Opportunities in Film, Television and Theatre in Europe" flagged up many interesting practices, among which was the development and use of a “Gender Checklist” in the live performance sector in Sweden.

The Gender Equality Checklist contains questions on how gender equality is ensured in all work-related aspects in the performing arts, from planning of rehearsals to ways of working, casting, costuming, make up, marketing, etc. The list is designed as a tool to help identify possibilities and obstacles concerning gender equality.

The developers of this useful tool from the Swedish Union Teaterforbundet and Live Performance Employers’ Organisation Svenskscenkonst have kindly made it available in English, in light of the strong interest among FIA’s membership in reviewing it, with a view to possible use and development of something similar in other countries.

We are delighted to be able to make it available for download below in English. Contact details for the developers of the tool kit are provided in the document, should you have further questions.

Swedish Gender Equality Checklist for Theatre
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