FIA denounces the shocking assassination of Greek rapper Pavlos Fyssas

Diversity and inclusion Freedom of Artistic Expression and Cultural Policy FIA Campaigns and Solidarity

The International Federation of Actors (FIA) joins its Greek member the Hellenic Actors’ Union and the worldwide artistic community in their mourning of Greek Rapper Pavlos Fyssas, also known as Killah P, after his brutal assassination on the night of September 17, 2013. Known for his antifascist opinions as well as for his songs inspired by solidarity, Pavlos Fyssas was an inspiration to many in a country facing an alarming rise of extremism in the political arena and the public debate.

FIA strongly condemns this hideous crime and urges Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras to fulfill his Government’s commitment to “prevent the descendents of Nazism from poisoning (…) social life, perpetrating crimes, and terrorising and undermining the foundations of the country that gave birth to democracy”. (Government Statement – Le Monde, 19/09/2013)

In the wake of this tragic loss and in the spirit of the Resolution on artistic freedom adopted by its Congress in September 2012 (download below), FIA stresses the importance of securing the right to freedom of expression for performers in all countries. Artists often use their voice to express the social and political concerns of their fellow citizens and can thus become the primary target of censorship, prosecution and severe physical or mental harassment. FIA firmly believes that it is crucial to increase awareness about such occurrences in the media, among political bodies, human rights and free speech organizations as well as the general public.

As part of FIA’s commitment to spread this message and generating political support around this important issue, it coordinated the contributions by FIA members to the report on artistic freedom by UN Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights Fareeda Shaheed. A conference co-organised by FIA on October 2nd 2013 at the European Parliament will see Ms Shaheed present her report and interact with artists and Members of the European Parliament. Please contact the FIA Secretariat for more information.

Download the FIA declaration and its resolution on artistic freedom here below.

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