Gender Portrayal Project Conference in London

Diversity and inclusion Gender Equality FIA FIA Events Event Reports News

This conference took place in the Drill Hall in London on the 15-16 September 2008. This page is intended as a follow-up page which will continue to allow access to the resources emerging form that event.

The conference was a key element of the EuroFIA project ““Changing gender portrayal: Promoting employment opportunities for women in the performing arts”. It was centred around the presentation of the findings of the project research and sought more generally to raise awareness on the relationship between gender portrayal and employment opportunities for performers and to highlight effective and innovative ways to promote equal opportunities.

It was a very sucessful event and was attended by some 120 participants from all over Europe. There was a rich variety of contributions from the various speakers, which ranged over the different elements that contribute to this problem: societal values and the gender stereotypes that inform and reflect them; a fear of risk in an industry that may often be financially straitened; and a failure to recognise the discrimination for what it is. Possible solutions, political, legislative and financial, were also discussed and many ideas emerged from the breakout sessions. The strong testimonies from performers and the artistic contribution of Swedish theatre group Subfrau greatly enriched the day and a half’s proceedings.

A preliminary overview of the key findings of the project research were also presented at the  conference in London They were compelling and a lively debate followed on from that presentation. The research has since been completed and the final report “Age Gender and Performer Employment in Europe” is available for download in the  Publications sections

In meantime, at the request of the participants, the text of the speakers’ contributions will be made available on this page. They will be added on an ongoing basis as we receive them. The list is not yet complete, so watch this space! They are listed below in the order in which they appeared on the programme.

This project is supported by the European Commission

Conference Programme

Speech of Tomas Bolme, FIA President

Speech of Christine Payne, General Secretary of Equity UK

Speech of Carol Tongue, Chair of the UK Coalition for Cultural Diversity

Presentation of Dr Deborah Dean, Project researcher

Gender Agenda – Speeches Continued I

Speech of Anna Carlson, President of the Swedish Actors’ Union

Presentation of Dearbhal Murphy, FIA Deputy General Secretary

Speech of Treasa Ni Mhurchu, National Women’s Council of Ireland

Speech of Rynagh O’Grady, Actress, Ireland

Speech of Camilia Blereau, Actress, Belgium

Gender Agenda – Speeches Continued II

Speech of Kate Buffery, Actress UK

Speech of Pauline Moran, Actress UK

Speech of Luk de Konink, Actor and former Casting Director Belgium

Speech of Jean Rogers, Vice President Equity

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