Executive Committee Meeting in Sydney

FIA FIA Events Event Reports News

The 2011 FIA Executive Committee meeting took place in Sydney on April 16-17 and was hosted by the Actors Equity branch of the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance in Australia. The meeting allowed members of the Executive to evaluate the work carried out by the federation’s Secretariat in light of the guiding motions adopted during the 2008 Marrakech Congress but also in prevision of its 2012 Toronto Congress. In addition, the meeting allowed the Executive Committee to discuss international trends, evolutions and situations regarding the protection of performers’ rights and their working conditions.

Numerous issues were covered, among which: new progress leading towards a future Treaty for the Protection of Audiovisual Performances at WIPO, the progressive use in all FIA activities of the achievements done by the European group in the field of Gender Equality, the Federation’s constitutional and organizational changes, reports from all FIA regional groups on their accomplishments and particular difficulties, how unions can deal with the increase of self-generated productions, intellectual property, etc. Two panel discussions also allowed members to reflect in depth on the day-to-day issue of “recruiting, organizing and membership retention” and the new challenges arising with “recordings of live performances”.

The meeting was also an opportunity for members of the Executive Committee to meet with Australian New South Wales Attorney General and Minister for the Arts Mr. Bob Debus, who kindly presented the Australian government’s position on developments at WIPO the possible adoption of a Treaty for the Protection of Audiovisual Performances.

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