Next FIA World Live Performance Conference will be held in Dublin, Ireland, 4-6 June 2015!

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Live performance is the only way for the audience to really meet the performers. It allows them to share a moment and emotions that are every time unique. This is why the International Federation of Actors decided – after a successful first conference in 1999 – to focus once again on Live Performance. The FIA World Live Performance Conference, kindly hosted by two FIA members: Irish Equity and Equity UK, will therefore be held from June 4 to 6, 2015, in Dublin, capital of Ireland.

A Live performance is a show performed live before an audience. Among them: plays, operas, musicals, ballets, circuses, street performances. Beyond the usual difficulties faced by the performers such as the employment duration, working time and wages, Live Performance artists have different needs and issues. They are working under specific conditions – most representations take place at night, the audience reaction as part of live conditions are unpredictable… –, a significant number of them tour, often abroad, and they face particular health and safety hazards. Performers are also very different from each other – actors, dancers, opera singers, circus artists… – and should thus obey to rules that respect their specificities. For example, the risk of burns are much more important for a fire-eater than for an actor performing classical repertory. Those elements – and many others – will be addressed during the World Live Performance Conference, in Dublin.

This conference will be open to non-FIA members; so do not hesitate to contact the FIA Secretariat for more information and visit the conference website:

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