Sofia Declaration: European social partners in the Audiovisual sector present a joint declaration to EU governments to encourage the strengthening of social dialogue in new Member States

EU Social Dialogue EuroFIA Resolutions and Statements

European social partners in the Audiovisual sector gathered in Sofia on September 30th and October 1st of 2010 to draw conclusions from the five regional roundtables held throughout the year in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. The aim of these roundtables was to work on capacity building of social dialogue in the audiovisual sector of these EU member states and to meet with government officials to stress the importance of supporting social partners’ establishment and activities.

This seminar was an opportunity for participants to address work relationships and conditions in a discussion acknowledging the audiovisual sector’s specificities. For instance, the unfortunate and particularly aggressive attacks targeted towards the culture sector in times of a global financial crisis were highlighted as a visible trend that absolutely must be fought against. In order to the support the Audiovisual industry at European level, representation must be ensured, which is why the Audiovisual Sector Social Dialogue Committee launched this project. Indeed, it hopes it will lead to more concrete involvement from New Member States’ social partners.

The seminar lead social partners involved in the Committee (CEPI, EBU and FIAPF for the employers, and FIA, FIM, EFJ and UNI MEI for the trade unions) to sign a joint declaration affirming their commitment to ensure the continuing good health and quality of the audiovisual sector. The main lines of this document are the conviction:

1) All member states should recognise the necessity and benefits of employers’ associations and trade unions, and the mutual recognition between employers and workers;

2) It is necessary to have strong employers’ associations and strong unions who are able and capable to negotiate on collective agreements in order to strengthen the European Social Dialogue;

3) Social dialogue should be considered, developed and strengthened where possible in the audiovisual sector in those countries where it is absent.

The declaration further outlines several propositions for the European Union, the Member States’ governments, the Employers and employers’ associations in the new Member States, and the Workers and trade unions in new Member States to follow.

To read the full joint declaration, please follow the link below.

Sofia Declaration
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