EuroFIA 2014 joint Survey on the Situation of Work Life balance in the Audiovisual and Life Performance Sectors

Diversity and inclusion Gender Equality EuroFIA Publications

Sharing experience, identifying difficulties and drawing on good practices in the field of Work-Life balance in the audiovisual and live performance sectors were the goals of a joint trade union project lead by FIA, FIM, UNI-MEI and IFJ and funded by the European Commission. The project comprised a series of workshops and seminars, as well as a study carried out by project researcher Laurence Cuny. The data gathered during this research is now available in the EuroFIA 2014 Survey on Work-Life balance in both English and French.

Commissioned by the four federations, the study covered 8 countries, with a specific focus on Romania, France, Sweden and Germany, where one-day workshops on this theme took place between March and September 2013. The present document also brings together good practices of integration of work-life balance policies by both employers and trade unions in order to produce clear data, which can then be used for the promotion of equality and the implementation of work-life balance policies.

The main topics covered by the Study are the following:

– Flexibility in working time

– Parental leave

– Precarity of contracts and job insecurity

– Childcare

– Care for dependants

– Information and training

– WLB and gender

2014 Survey on Work-Life Balance – landscape version

2014 Survey on Work-Life Balance – spread version

Enquête 2014 sur l’Equilibre Vie Professionelle-Vie Privée – paysage
Enquête 2014 sur l’Equilibre Vie professionelle-Vie Privée -spread

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