Final Conference of the EU project “Reaching the Full Potential of Social Dialogue for all Workers”

Labour Rights and Collective Bargaining FIA Events Upcoming Events


As the four trade union federations spanning the Media, Arts and Entertainment sector, we have long been active on the labour challenges posed by the intermittent, freelance, often self-employed forms of working that are prevalent in the sector. We have been fortunate to receive project funding from DG EMPL under its social dialogue budget line, to work in depth on this topic within the framework of our joint project “Reaching the Full Potential of Social Dialogue for all Workers”. We will shortly be drawing this project to a close, with a conference scheduled to take place in Dublin on February 11-12th.

The programme will be available shortly. We will have an extensive discussion on the trade union organising experience in the course of the project and hear from the participating unions and trainers, with workshop sessions to explore some of the organising challenges. One strand of that project has also been entirely focused on the challenges posed by collective bargaining for freelance self-employed workers and the clash with European competition rules. We will be joined by noted legal practitioners and academics on this topic for an up to date overview of legal developments in this area and the outlook for the future.

This project (VS/2017/0335) is financially supported by the European Commission. We are pleased to be able to fully cover travel and accommodation expenses for all delegates from EU and candidate countries.

Delegates should plan to travel on February 10th. The meeting will be a full day on February 11th and a half-day on February 12th. Delegates will be accommodated in one of the two conference hotels (Wynns Hotel and Croke Park Hotel) both are close to the meeting venue in the Communications Workers’ Union (CWU). We wil allocate your room and inform you. We will accommodate groups together.

We have closed the online registration for this event, as it is fully booked. However, should you have an urgent last minute registration, you can contact the secretariat who will accommodate you as far as possible (email to dmurphy(at)

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