Call for urgent measures in support of audiovisual content production and employment during, and post, Covid19

COVID19 News

 FIA and other partner organizations representing authors, directors, screenwriters, crews and producers have joined hands to urge European and national decision makers and funding bodies to take immediate extraordinary measures in support of the film and audiovisual sector, suggesting targeted action to minimize the economic, social and cultural impact of the Covid19 crisis on employment and businesses.

Social distancing measures, though essential to save thousands of human lives, have had an immediate and unprecedented impact on the sector: all shootings of films and TV programmes have been stopped while public access to cinemas was first limited and is now completely interrupted. Investments made before the crisis are jeopardized or completely lost and the modest revenues from curtailed exploitation are not enough to offset day-to-day expenses and fix costs.

The film and audiovisual sector in Europe employs more than one million people across various creative, technical and business activities, together forming a complex ecosystem that is at the heart of Europe’s cultural and creative identity. With most companies, mostly SMEs, now on stand-by and lacking enough cash-flow and revenues to sustain their activities during this troubled period, the survival of the European audiovisual content sector is seriously at stake and, with it, the livelihood of all those – whether employed, freelance or independent contractors – that rely on its vitality to make a living.

Whilst the film and audiovisual sector may benefit from some of the general measures that countries in Europe are taking to salvage their economies, the concern is that they will not be sufficient, or tailored enough, to prevent it from breaking down entirely.

The European film and television production sector has therefore resolved to call for urgent, specific and exceptional financial and social measures to respond to the urgency of cash-flow shortage, to help rescue jobs, revenues and skills and prepare for the post-Covid19 phase, when all economic activities – including cultural production – will struggle to get back to normal.

Read the European film and television production sector joint statement here:

Fighting the global COVID-19 crisis in the film and TV production sector_EN

Fighting the global COVID-19 crisis in the film and TV production sector_FR

Fighting the global COVID-19 crisis in the film and TV production sector_IT

Fighting the global COVID-19 crisis in the film and TV production sector_ES

Fighting the global COVID-19 crisis in the film and TV production sector_DE

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