Closing of the FIA 22nd Congress: The International Federation of Actors and its worldwide membership have elected their new governing bodies

FIA Executive Committee News

7 May 2021: The International Federation of Actors (FIA) and its worldwide membership successfully conclude their 22nd Congress, and elect their new governing bodies.

Today, Gabrielle Carteris, American actor and SAG-AFTRA President, was elected FIA president by the federation’s international delegates, gathered online for the FIA 22nd World Congress.

For the first time since the founding of the Federation in 1952, the FIA World Congress took place in a purely virtual format on May 4, 5 and 7 of 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The online event was very well attended and gathered over 150 participants worldwide.

“It is my profound honor to be elected president of the International Federation of Actors,” said SAG-AFTRA President Gabrielle Carteris. “For nearly seventy years, FIA has been a leader and fighter for actors around the world. FIA has worked tirelessly to make stages, sets and studios more diverse and equitable, in addition to creating a culture of respect and accountability in the entertainment, media and performing arts industry that transcends international boundaries. I am grateful to Ferne Downey for her leadership as president over the past nine years, and look forward to working with my colleagues across FIA in the years ahead.”

Carteris also congratulated the newly elected Presidium members and Executive Committee members. Indeed, her election was followed by one for the six Vice-Presidents composing the Presidium with her. Those two were then followed by the completion of the new FIA Executive Committee, composed of the Presidium members’ countries and 8 other countries. The new composition of FIA Executive Committee is as follows:

Presidium Members:

President: Gabrielle Carteris (SAG-AFTRA, USA)

Vice-President: Denys Fouqueray (SFA, France)

Vice-President: Simon Norrthon, (SoF, Sweden)

Vice-President: Marie Kelly (ACTRA, Canada)

Vice-President: Alicia Dogliotti (SUA, Urugay)

Vice-President: Paul Fleming (Equity, UK)

Vice-President: Vladimir Kamen (CCCWU, Russia)

Countries: Japan, New-Zealand, India, Croatia, Morocco, Denmark, Argentina, Turkey

Read full Press release here.

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