Online Event: June 29th from 14h00 to 16h00 CEST
To attend the webinar, REGISTER HERE
The European social partners behind Creative Skills Europe – the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the International Federation of Actors (FIA), the International Federation of Musicians (FIM), the Performing Arts Employers Associations League Europe (Pearle*) and UNI Europa media, entertainment & arts (EURO-MEI) – are glad to invite you to a webinar aimed at increasing the digital skills in the Live Performance and Audiovisual sectors.
This webinar is part of trilogy. After a first event held in November 2020 dedicated to CREATION and a second webinar held in March 2021 with a focus on PRODUCTION, the last webinar of the series to take place on 29 June will focus on the digital skills and tools needed to boost DISTRIBUTION of cultural and creative works and contents in the digital environment.
We are passionate about creating but without an audience, creation does not mean much. Distribution is often the phase, in the creative value chain, when creative people are most vulnerable. Transparency, ownership, monetization – those are the key words and what it is all about.
How can Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain help achieve distribution to the broader audience possible, and create enough revenue?
During the webinar, we will give the floor to professionals, pioneers in their field. We will discover through their ‘real life’ experiences and insights how they acquired their digital skills and put them into practice. The goal is to inspire participants to start experimenting and learning new SMART skills.
For its third digital skills webinar, Creative Skills Europe is proud to welcome an exceptional line-up of speakers:
Anjo De Heus – the Netherlands
Ceo of Playtreks, Music Distribution & data insights
‘You can publish your own music everywhere but how will you earn a living?’
SMART SKILLS: How to get ownership as an artist and monetize your work. Understanding the world of online publishing.
Lauren English – United States
Casting Director & Co-founder of The Actor Online
‘How your online presence as a live performer can make all the difference’
SMART SKILLS: The time of word of mouth to nail a job as an actor is gone. How to build an online presence and an online ‘brand identity’.
Tom Van de Weghe – Belgium
Investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker for the Belgian public broadcaster VRT. AI Expert and tutoring journalist on Machine Learning and AI.
‘The ‘AI for journalist bible’. How to ‘use’ and ‘not use’ AI in a newsroom.
SMART SKILLS: Understanding the ins and outs of Artificial intelligence to produce quality news. Best practices to boost AI in today’s newsrooms.
Kel Wouters – Belgium
CEO of SoBuzzy, Digital Media Strategist and lecturer at Thomas De Grote Hogeschool
What if, as a content publisher, you could run your own ads show?
SMART SKILLS: Understanding the behind the scenes of the advertising market and owning your data to create new business models.
The webinar will combine presentations and group discussions.
To know more about the speakers, go here.
During the plenary sessions, simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Spanish will be available.
To attend the webinar, REGISTER HERE
The Creative ‘Digital’ Skills Europe series is curated by Trees De Bruyne.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to