The European social partners in the Live Performance Sector, who are EAEA (composed of FIA, FIM and UNI MEI) representing the sectoral trade unions and Pearle*: Live Performance Europe representing employers’ associations, recently drew to a close their joint European project on The Situation of Social Dialogue in the Commercial Live Performance Sector.
This EU-funded social dialogue project covered five countries in Central and Eastern Europe, namely Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and Poland. The aim of the project was to research the state of social dialogue in the commercial live performance sector in these countries, to understand the possible obstacles to social dialogue, and to look at ways to improve the situation.
In the course of the project, we have implemented a mapping of the situation of social dialogue in these five countries as well as a regional seminar, which provided an opportunity to discuss the findings but also to share experiences and information among the different national stakeholders.
The mapping delivered 5 national reports from local expert researchers, based on interviews, focus groups and national research. The project also delivered a single overarching report, drawing together the finding and conclusions of the research done in the 5 countries and offering recommendations and reflections to foster stronger social dialogue in the future.
In the final conference on June 8t and 9th 2021, this final report was presented and discussed, bringing together the research at national level and offering recommendations on how to promote and improve social dialogue in the studied countries. It also brought in good practice from other regions and reflect on the future of the sector. At the close of the conference, the European Social Partners in the Live Performance sector adopted a set of joint conclusions, reflecting the project findings.
All resources from the Project now available to download:
The national Reports from Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and Poland are addended as annexes to the European Final Project Report by project researcher Agnieszka Paczyńska “Mapping social dialogue in the commercial live performance sector in Bulgaria, Czechia, Poland, Romania and Serbia”.
That report is now available to download in: English, Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Romanian and Serbian.
The Social Partner Project Conclusions are also available in English.