In July 2021, the regional groups of the International Federation of Actors (FIA-LA) and the Media, Entertainment & Arts sectors of UNI Global Union (UNI Americas MEI / Panartes) and their affiliates launched an online survey on violence and harassment in the workplaces of the audiovisual and performing arts industries in Latin America. Both federations bring together unions, guilds and professional associations representing thousands of workers in the region.
The main purpose of the survey was to shed some light and identify the existence of unacceptable and toxic behaviours in the sector workplaces at the regional level. The data collected is indeed alarming. 89.4% of respondents have experienced one or more of the situations mentioned in the survey, ranging from mistreatment and “micro machismo” to sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination regarding work benefits. 4 out of 10 believe they have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.
In order to analyse the data collected through the survey, UNI MEI and FIA turned to Communitas Consultora, a Chilean based research team with specific expertise in the field of gender studies and violence and harassment at work. The present report offers a precise diagnosis that will serve as a background for trade unions to deepen their work on the issue, carry out preventive actions and incorporate specific proposals to better represent the interests of their affiliates in social dialogue processes.
The International Labour Organization adopted the No. 190 Convention on Violence and Harassment in June 2019. This ILO Convention establishes, for the first time, a global and unique right of everyone to work free of violence and harassment, as well as obliging countries all over the world to prohibit and sanction workplace violence and harassment.
In their role as guardians of working conditions and workplace protections, unions have naturally taken an active role in the discussion of how sexual harassment can be properly addressed. Many have already established practices and protocols to support sector professionals who report cases of sexual harassment or intimidation.
With this work, UNI MEI and FIA wish to support all their affiliates in bringing about change. Together we can build safe work spaces that are dignified, egalitarian and respectful of diversity.
This survey and report are regional trade union initiatives supported by Union to Union, the Swedish trade union movement’s organisation for international development cooperation.
The final report is available in PDF format in Spanish, Portuguese and English hereunder. It was made accessible publicly at the launch event on 18 March 2022 (see event section on our Website).