On March 18th, FIA and UNI MEI will be organising a brief online event to publicly launch the final report and campaign on harassment in the region.
The regional groups of the International Federation of Actors (FIA-LA) and the Media, Entertainment & Arts sectors of UNI Global Union (UNI Americas MEI / Panartes) and their affiliates indeed ran an online survey on violence and harassment in the workplaces of the audiovisual and performing arts industries in Latin America between July and October 2021.
The main purpose of the survey was to shed some light and identify the existence of unacceptable and toxic behaviours in the sector workplaces at the regional level. The data collected is indeed alarming. 89.4% of respondents have experienced one or more of the situations mentioned in the survey, ranging from mistreatment and “micro machismo” to sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination regarding work benefits. 4 out of 10 believe they have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.
The final report will be made available on our Website.
Watch the live event on Friday 18 March at 12 pm (Argentina/Brazil/Uruguay time) here: fb.me/e/2eWoWR2Yn