Spotlight on Denys Fouqueray, Vice-president of FIA


“Spotlight on…” is a new FIA project, a series of interviews with our members to help you get to know them better. The third person to take part in this series, posted simultaneously on our website and Instagram account, is Denys Fouqueray, Vice president of the Federation.

Tell us about yourself.

I’m an actor and a member of the SFA, now a member of the National Council. For over 20 years I was part of the General Delegation and the National Bureau, the union’s executive bodies. More specifically, I worked on issues relating to live performance (collective bargaining, advice to artists, mandates in the various bodies relating to live performance, etc.) and of course on international issues (FIA, cultural diversity, European social dialogue, etc.).

What made you want to do this job?

It came naturally. I’ve always been attracted to art in general. What’s certain is that amateur acting in my teens was a determining factor in my decision to become an actor.

Tell us about a movie or a show that changed your life.

There isn’t really a film or play that has changed my life. On the other hand, there have been some high points in my professional life. I’ll mention two of them:

A shoot with Donald Sutherland, who showed me a rare kindness and gave me confidence in myself as an actor; without doubt the greatest gift one artist can give another.

The experience of 10 years with the same theatre company: a real joy.

How did you first get involved in your union?

I joined the union following a dispute with an employer. It then became natural and important for me to get involved and work towards strengthening the union.

What are your dreams and hopes for performers worldwide?

That they can make a living from their work and enjoy strong social protection with decent working conditions.

What is your priority as Vice-president of FIA?

I would like FIA to be able to strengthen its presence in continents where it is not well established, particularly in Africa and Asia. The strength of FIA lies in its diversity of cultures and trade union forms.

Give us one example of how FIA’s work has improved the working conditions of performers in your country?

The work on the manifesto on the status of the artist has enabled us to improve the remuneration of certain artists in revues and musicals.

If you had to describe FIA in one word, what would it be?

Fraternity and solidarity.

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