Second Joint FIA and UNI MEI Letter of solidarity and support to Cultural Workers Union of Ukraine


As the appalling aggression against Ukraine and its people continues, FIA and sister organisation UNI MEI wrote a second letter of support to our common affiliate, the Cultural Workers Union of Ukraine. Many FIA member unions have also sent messages from around the world to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

In consultation with FIA’s affiliate in Ukraine, the FIA Executive committee has resolved to set up a special emergency relief fund to help with the Ukrainian crisis. This fund is intended to assist performers and their families, as well as the Ukrainian Cultural Workers’ Union, whose livelihoods and existence have been devastated by the war. Open to voluntary contributions from other FIA affiliates willing to pool available resources, the fund will be replenished from the FIA general fund on an annual basis – subject to the federation’s overall financial situation, its annual income and spending projections, the ongoing state of emergency and the needs of FIA’s affiliate in Ukraine. The fund is primarily intended as a post-war recovery facility, although up to 1/3 of it may be spent to assist refugee performers and their families seeking shelter from the war.

Brussels, March 30, 2022

Dear Lyudmyla,

Dear colleagues and friends,

More than one month has gone by since the beginning of the dramatic hostilities that have brought unspeakable violence, death and destruction to your country. Just as we did at the outbreak of this conflict, we continue to condemn this insane aggression with greater determination each day.

As trade union federations, we strongly believe in peace, dialogue and democracy. We make it our core remit to upkeep these fundamental values, and whilst they may seem beyond reach at present, we have hope and trust that they will prevail at last.

On behalf of the International Federation of Actors (FIA) and UNI Media, Entertainment & Arts (UNI MEI), we are writing once again to let you know that you are not alone. We, and our respective affiliates, are doing everything we can to assist those among you who have had to flee Ukraine, leaving many loved ones behind. Please do not hesitate to encourage them to reach out to our union network across Europe.

Within the free trade union family and other democratic forces in civil society, we are supporting the global surge against the war and are preparing for the time when, at last, your peoples may return home to rebuild a new and brighter future for themselves and their kin. Just as we are now, we will be next to them then, ready to support our brothers and sisters to the best of our abilities.

FIA and UNI MEI jointly reiterate their most sincere and heartfelt sympathy with all colleagues of the Cultural Workers Union of Ukraine, and their families, in these dramatic moments.

In solidarity,

Dominick Luquer General Secretary of FIA

Johannes Studinger Head of UNI MEI

Dowload the letter in PDF format here.

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