Handbook of Good Practices to Combat Gender Stereotypes and Promote Equal Opportunities in Film, Television and Theatre in Europe

Diversity and inclusion Gender Equality FIA News Publications

The FIA “handbook of Good Practices to Combat Gender Stereotypes and Promote Equal Opportunities in Film, Television and Theatre in Europe” is now available in English, French and Spanish. This report is a product of FIA’s year long project on this issue, which was financially supported by the European Commission.The FIA project "Engendering Change" was structured around a series of 5 regional seminars and a final conference. The aim of these events was exchange and mutual learning; and the identification and sharing of good practice in this area. The focus was on coming up with strategies both at the level of performers’ unions themselves and at the level of political advocacy at national and EU level.These strategies, examples and good practices have been brought together by project consultant Richard Polacek in the present Handbook. It is a practical tool, intended to empower and support performers’ unions to undertake action on this issue. Equally it can serve as a blueprint providing examples of possible effective political action that decision-makers can pursue. It also highlights ways in which the industry can work from within to change gender portrayal and do away with stereotyping.

The good practices identified in course of the project are set out under the following headings:

  • Setting qualitative and quantitative targets
  • Ensuring gender equality in management and promoting gender sensitive management
  • Rethinking professional training for stage and screen
  • Challenging gender representation on stage and screen
  • Mainstreaming gender equality in film, TV and theatre
  • Creating networks to provoke a change
  • Monitoring gender equality and gender stereotypes
  • Raising awareness about gender equality and gender stereotypes

The Handbook also contains dedicated introductory sections dealing with the applicable EU legislative framework and the diversity of national rules.

You can read more about the project and the events it comprised in the  project section of this website.

The Handbook is available for download below in English, French and Spanish.

Handbook of Good Practices Manuel de Bonnes Pratiques Manual de las Buenas Practicas
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