20th World FIA Congress starts in Toronto

FIA FIA Events Event Reports News

Delegates coming from around the world have gathered in Toronto to bring the federation’s most important political body together. FIA president Agnete Haaland and Canadian hosts ACTRA, CAEA and UDA have welcomed all the delegates yesterday evening at the Mirvish Theatre in downtown Toronto, where they were joined by Ontario Lieutenant Governor David C Onley, who shared his enthusiasm for FIA’s gathering in his city.

Congress itself kicked off this morning with General Secretary Dominick Luquer’s report of the FIA Secretariat and regional reports from AfroFIA, EuroFIA, FIA-NA/ESG, FIA-LA, and the Nordic group but also from the French and Spanish-and-Portuguese linguistic groups.

There’s much more to come, with panel discussions and motion presentations poised to generate rich and lively debates. Don’t forget to follow us on this website and check out some pictures of Congress here below

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