Two Joint Positions from the European Live Performance Social Dialogue on the Revised Visa Code and Eco-efficient Lighting

Mobility Labour Rights and Collective Bargaining EU Social Dialogue EuroFIA News

The European Sectoral Social Partners in the Live Performance Sector, constituted by Pearle* Live Performance Europe on the Employers’ side and by the European Arts and Entertainment Alliance (EAEA – constituted by the European members of FIA, FIM and UNI MEI) on the workers side, met in Brussels on the 11th of June 2018.

The group was joined by a representative of DG Energy to discuss the Review of the Ecodesign Regulation and more specifically the future of the exemption on stage lighting. This constructive discussion allowed the social partners to set out in detail their concerns about the potential negative impact of a blanket ban on certain forms of stage lighting; while also exploring the possible parameters of a more workable solution. The dialogue continues, but social partners have adopted the joint position immediately below, expressing their willingness to continue this dialogue.

Joint Social Partner Position regarding the revision of the EU lighting regulations (EU1194/2012 and related regulations

The social partners also held an exchange on the Commission proposal of 14 March 2018 (COM (2018) 252 final) amending Regulation No 810/2009 establishing a Community Code on visas. This is of particular interest as the Live Performance sector is a highly mobile one, with performers from all over the world regularly touring in Europe. While social partners were positive about many of the improvements contained in the new proposal, there were also some concerns, in particular as regards the introduction of a cascade system in relation to the Schengen multi-entry visa.

Joint Social Partner position regarding the Proposal for Revision of the Visa Code

The next meeting of the European Sectoral Social Partners in the Live Performance Sector will be their annual plenary meeting on the 9th of October 2018.

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