Policy Work

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, designs, brands and symbols used in commerce. It is a form of property that encompasses intangible assets, distinguishing it from physical property like land or buildings. Examples of intellectual property include patents, trademarks and copyrights. The IP rights of performers are known as “neighbouring” rights, as they are closely associated with, but distinct from, the copyrights granted to the author of the artistic work that they perform. They include economic rights, allowing them to control and benefit from the use of their live or recorded performances, as well as moral rights, protecting the integrity of their performances and ensuring they are credited as the creators.

The economic intellectual property (IP) rights of performers can be traded and are typically licensed or transferred by contract to the entity producing the work, in exchange for a fee. In order for these contracts to result in significant revenue, collective bargaining is crucial. Indeed, only a few performers possess enough clout to negotiate fair terms of use and, consequently, receive adequate compensation for the use of their performances to which they have consented.

Ongoing revenue, supported by strong IP rights, can significantly impact performers who frequently transition between gigs, encountering periods of unemployment without sufficient income or access to adequate social benefits to meet their needs.

FIA strongly advocates for the inclusion of appropriate and effective safeguards, upholding performers’ ability to negotiate equitable terms of use and receive remuneration commensurate with the revenue generated by their performances. We strongly endorse collective bargaining as the most effective mechanism for performers seeking to derive the upmost value from the contractual transfer of economic IP rights, breaking free from unfair and biased industry practices. There is strength in unity!

The WIPO Beijing Treaty

The Beijing Treaty outlines global standards acknowledging the right of audiovisual performers to be compensated fairly for the use of their creative contributions. It sets a landmark new global IP...

The WIPO Beijing Treaty

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Fair Remuneration

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The WIPO Beijing Treaty

This treaty establishes a groundbreaking ...

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