Working Conditions

Labour Rights and Collective Bargaining

FIA strongly campaigns for all performers, regardless of the nature of their work relationship, to benefit from core labour rights and trade union representation. The Federation is committed to fighting bogus self-employment, seeking regulatory solutions against abusive and unfair contractual provisions and providing technical support to its members in their struggle to collectively uphold the legitimate interests of professional performers.

Collective bargaining lies at the heart of how trade unions represent and act on behalf of their membership. It is a vital tool in achieving better working conditions and remuneration for performers. FIA is a forum for exchange on collective bargaining for performers, where members can share experience and resources, such as collective agreements, model clauses and guidelines relevant to the jurisdictions of FIA members.

Blog: Future of Collective Bargaining and Atypical Work in the Media, Arts and Entertainment sector

This blog is an initiative of the trade union federations in the Media, Arts and Entertainment sector. Reflecting on the situation “atypical workers” in the sector raises questions like freedom...

Blog: Future of Collective Bargaining and Atypical Work in the Media, Arts and Entertainment sector

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EU Social Dialogue

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